Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Dinner Tonight

Dinner tonight is likely to be a very low-key affair.  Remember a couple of weeks ago, I said I was going to try a new recipe (  Skillet Chicken Tamale Pie?  Yeah, that didn't happen and God bless my ever ambitious little chef's heart, I have had some of the ingredients sitting in my fridge since then.  (I really hope poblano chiles don't rot super fast.  Oh, geez.  I just looked back at the date I wrote that post.  Dang, that really WAS a couple of weeks ago.)  Ok, so the goal is to get that meal fixed and obviously to use up some way overdue chiles.  Will that goal be met?  Ummm....I think it is a good bet either way at this point.  I am super busy right now: I have a wedding for 250 people that I am making a cake for (right on schedule with that) on Saturday and I am in the throes of coordinating Teacher Appreciation Week for my older kids' elementary school next week.  [Side note: this whole experience is either going to make me lose my faith in humanity - specifically the parental humanity that populates our school - or bolster it in unexpected ways.  It is as much of a crap shoot as what I will be able to get on the table for dinner tonight.] So, we will see if those poblanos will continue to languish in my crisper drawer for another....ewww.  No.  If I don't cook those things tonight, I think they are probably destined for the compost bin.  Even I have my limits as to how far I will go to avoid wasting food. 

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