Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Last Day of School!

Wow!  Here we are, on the morning of the last day of school!  I said it on my Facebook page and I will say it again here: this is always a bittersweet time of year for me.  Even as much as I am looking forward to more time with my kids (which is saying something after a VERY difficult night last night - that is a different story altogether) and all the fun things that summer brings with it, I still look at the end of the school year as just that: an ending.  For us, it is the end of an era - one of my daughters will move on to a different elementary school next year, which will necessitate quite a number of changes in our daily routine, my little one will start preschool, not to mention the more obvious fact that they are all getting older and so am I....aaaaannnndddd I just veered into a Fleetwood Mac/Dixie Chicks (depending on your age) song. 

So, before I get too weepy, let me just say that the last day of school, for us at least, brings lots and lots of food treats.  The girls will each have classroom parties, which my son and I will attend, and which will be packed with snacks and drinks.  Then, as a way to distract my girls, who tend to be as maudlin as me on the last day of school, I promised that if they went easy on the junk at school, I would take them out to get burgers for lunch.  Finally, as is our "tradition", they were allowed to choose our dinner for the last day of school, which will be: shrimp (since my son can eat it now.  Yay!) with spicy ketchup (homemade cocktail sauce), cheese fondue (homemade because I decided I was too cheap to buy the ridiculously priced pre-made variety, imported from Switzerland) and chips and salsa (store bought).  I think....I think I just gave myself a stomach-ache reading our meals planned for the day.  Ah, well.  I have plenty of anti-acids in the medicine cabinet, and we will get back to a semi-normal eating routine tomorrow.  Tomorrow: FIRST DAY OF SUMMER VACATION! 

1 comment:

  1. That dinner sounds amazing, actually. Be over right after work.
