Sunday, January 10, 2010

Random Thoughts

I was talking about my blog to a friend of mine last night and decided, upon sitting down at the computer this morning, to update mine although I do not really have anything specific to write about. I mean, we had a busy week last week, with a lot of decisions to make, many of which had a pretty definitive impact on our lives, but I am not sure this is the forum in which to discuss them. I suppose I am still feeling my way through this world of virtual self-disclosure and am just not sure what I truly want left for posterity (or for current reading material for that matter). I really find this whole blog experience interesting. I mean, here I am, sitting in my pajamas and robe no less, writing, for lack of a better word, "stuff" for anyone/no one/everyone to see. Who is reading this? Who will read this? Who wants to read this? Why do they want to read it? What do I want to accomplish with this? Aren't these all questions that you would have to answer in a typical writing situation - novels, magazines....traditional print media? I don't know the actual answer to that question, but I would imagine that to be the case. I suppose my whole Holden Caulfield train of consciousness is stopping at the "What Am I Doing With This Thing?" station. I don't know the actual answer for that either, but, the way I look at it, is that I am writing. I am writing for myself primarily and I am writing in the event that someone out there sees fit to join me in my string of slightly disjointed thoughts. To back track a little, I think the best policy with this blog is to limit the pure self-disclosure. This is not a diary (remember those?) and I should treat this as a public forum (despite the fact that it is probably only being read by my family and close friends). I am going to continue to write on a regular basis, and I am going to try to actually include some entries about food soon. That is kind of funny - I titled this post "Random Thoughts" just because I couldn't think of anything else and it turns out to be rather prophetic. Random is a good word for this. Maybe next time, I will title my entry "Focused Thoughts" and see what happens.

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