Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Quick Thoughts for the Day

I feel like I should mark this day for a couple of reasons and have decided to do so with a new blog post. It has to be quick for at least one of those reasons, in that I have to go to school today and have yet to take a shower after my workout earlier this morning. First, and most importantly, my baby turned four years old today and she is the main reason I want to make this day significant to my little virtual world. She was so excited this morning, literally saying repeatedly, "I am so excited to be four years old!" I mean, how cute is that? Four years ago, at almost this exact time, my husband and I watched the sun come up over the hospital where I was about to be induced. About 9 hours later, at 5:53 pm on January 19, 2006, our beautiful baby girl was born, squalling and generally ticked off at just about everybody. She has been a firecracker ever since and has kept us on our toes for four years. Bless her heart, I wouldn't change one little thing about her because those traits that cause us more than a little bit of trouble right now will serve her well as an adult. She is an independent little pixie who constantly amazes me and I don't think I could love her any more if I tried.

Ok, second reason I am blogging (now through eyes blinded by sentimental tears): today is the first day of my last semester of culinary school. I am not looking forward to it. Well, I am looking forward to wearing my new boots (happy birthday to me from my lovely mother), but that is about it. I always have a hard time getting started with the spring semester, but add to it a blooming case of "senioritis" and I am already wearied by the thought of the next four months. I will get out of this slump soon enough, especially once the work starts rolling in. This is like anything that I do - I may not want to do it, but the payoff at the end will be worth it. I have been in school almost as long as my little one has been alive (she was 12 months old when I applied to ACC and 16 months old when I began my first class), so she does not remember a time when I was NOT in school. My older daughter probably doesn't either - she was only 3 1/2 when I began. Good lord! Has it really been that long? I mean, it FEELS like forever for sure, but that seems like a long time. So, time to power through, so to speak. I can do it. I will do it. I am (not) looking forward to doing it. Time to suck it up and put in the work so I can be finished. Now I feel a bit more ready.....to go take a shower. After that, I will put on my pretty new boots and go get started.

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