Friday, January 22, 2010

31 Thoughts

In honor of my 31st birthday yesterday, I think I will use this blog post to put down the first 31 thoughts that pop into my head. I don't really know why this strikes me as a good idea, but let's just go with it for now and see how it turns out.

1. I can't really believe that I am 31. As my mother-in-law so kindly pointed out last night, I am officially in my thirties now. She also said that it is "all downhill from here".
2. I started classes for the last time this week. I am excited, but as I said in my previous post, I am not really looking forward to the work.
3. On that note, I told my sister that I would retract a statement from my previous blog post. I did not, in fact, wear my new boots to school on Tuesday. My jeans, which were the only ones clean that day, did not look right with them. I am planning to wear the boots for the first time tomorrow. There: clean slate. I am not a blog liar now.
4. I am not sure why my four year old is hopping up and down in front of the TV right now. Doesn't she know that you are just supposed to sit on your butt while watching TV? I guess I should be grateful for her activity/energy level.
5. I discovered that I can actually run the equivalent of a 5K on the treadmill this morning. I was not sure that my decrepit knees were up to it, but I did a full 3.2 miles in about 40 minutes. I was attempting another version of interval training, so I walked (to slow my heart rate) at every mile, for about 5 minutes. Otherwise, I ran the whole thing.
6. I am pretty proud of myself for running that distance, but I am also pretty sure that it is a matter of time before my knees start showing their disapproval for said activity.
7. It is not really that cold outside right now, but I am shivering in my house for some reason.
8. Maybe the cat, whose tail is blocking my ability to move my mouse right now, would do me the favor of sitting on me (for warmth) rather than warming the stack of papers on my desk.
9. My husband and I opened a bottle of wine that he got me for Christmas last night to toast my birthday. I don't usually say this about many things with alcohol in it, but it was bad. Really bad.
10. I am going to blame the crankiness (in an extreme form), I felt this morning on the really bad wine. Seriously, it was that bad.
11. I bet my husband is going to finish the bottle of really bad wine tonight. Let's just say that he doesn't discriminate too much when it comes to adult beverages. He drinks Advocat for crying out loud.
12. For those of you who may not know what Advocat is, it is a Dutch eggnog like liquor. first of all, I hate egg nog so Advocat, which is the color and consistency of snot, does not appeal to me in the slightest.
13. 31 one things to write is getting to be harder than I thought. And I am still cold.
14. I have a massive amount of greens and other assorted vegetables in my fridge, from my CSA, that I have no idea how/what/when I am going to cook/consume them.
15. Maybe I can use the ass tasting wine to braise the greens. I am not a huge fan of mustard greens, so maybe the two flavor profiles would cancel each other out.
16. I did also get a home grown sweet potato in my bag today, so I am really intrigued by that.
17. Oops....the TV show is over and the cat is awake. No good can come of this.
18. I am always surprised by the simple power of a blank sheet of paper and a bunch of crayons. Pure entertainment magic.
19. I am also always surprised by how quickly the four year old mind finds ennui in that same magic that was so captivating a moment ago.
20. Based on the information I recieved in class yesterday, I think that this semester may be more challenging than I thought it was going to be.
21. My sister can make me laugh harder about the weirdest stuff than anyone else that I know.
22. Most people cannot understand the humor that my sister and I share. My husband and my mother have both developed twin looks that eloquently say, "WTF?!?" only without so many words or letters for that matter.
23. The reason I thought of numbers 22 and 23 is because my sister just posted something bizarre on my Facebook page and I had to snicker at it.
24. Damn cat is still sitting on the papers and I am still cold.
25. I wonder how much more random I am going to get with this post this morning. I am pretty sure it can't get any more random than it already has, but you never know.
26. I also am beginning to think that this whole "31 Thoughts" thing was not a great idea. I am pretty sure I am just rambling at this point.
27. I am addicted to a new series of books. Not vampires this time, though they are part of the storyline, but werewolves.
28. I would really like to go read that book, but my filthy house isn't going to clean itself.
29. (Almost there!) So far, in the past 2 1/2 hours since I finished running my mock 5K, my knees have not protested too much. Needless to say, I am surprised.
30. I am realizing that this kind of shotgun writing is, perhaps, not for me. I like my posts to be a little neater and more focused than this. Yes, even the ones entitled, "Random Thoughts".
31. And, I am done! I actually killed enough time that I can fix lunch now. Running 3 miles, cleaning a house while watching your four year old and waiting for your knees to start throbbing with pain really makes a person hungry. I don't think I want veggies for lunch though.

Yeah, maybe this wasn't the best idea, but it was an experiment, ok? It seems like most of the time, most of my thoughts aren't necessarily worth typing out. I think I will weed them out a bit better for next time. On to lunch, though, after which I will try to figure out what the heck to do with all those veggies. I do like me a challenge.

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