Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Don't Put All of Your Eggs in One Basket

Another quick entry for today: I have learned a valuable lesson. I recently entered a cooking contest, to remain unnamed here...cough...Cooking Light....cough. I developed a brownie recipe that I felt was fairly unique (and no, I am not going to give it away here - sorry). No, I felt like it was EXTREMELY unique. Anyway, I used several of the sponsor ingredients and produced a delectable treat that was satisfyingly delicious AND quite healthy to boot. Seriously, I thought I had it in the bag until yesterday when I was....spoiler alert!...NOT chosen as a finalist. Man! What a let-down! You know how it is (well, maybe you don't) - you see an amount of money offered in a contest and think, "hey! I could TOTALLY win that! Now, what would I do with all that cash?" Talk about counting your brownies before they were baked....sigh.

I perused the finalist selections this morning (and please do so yourselves if you see fit) and have (sort of) figured out that the sponsors were probably looking for something a bit more straightforward that would showcase their individual ingredients rather than what I created. That is okay. If I knew any of the finalists (which I don't), I would want to wish them a hearty congratulations and best of luck in this voting portion of the contest. I am disappointed, but am still the proud owner of a signature, healthy brownie recipe with a couple of unique and totally unexpected twists. Anybody need one of those? My creative genius could totally be bought for say, $20K (the prize winnings for the grand finalist in the original contest). No? Eh, I understand. I'll just keep all of those tasty brownies for myself then. Until next time....

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