Sunday, March 3, 2013

A Little of Everything and A Lot of Not Much

Today capped off what was an extraordinarily busy week for us.  My business had several bookings (I make and decorate cakes, by the way) for Friday, Saturday and today (Sunday) and I feel like my family literally ran from activity to activity beginning last Monday and ending around lunchtime today.  The title of the post really encapsulates what I have been feeling lately - in regards to both my personal self and my cooking.  Granted, last week was crazy, even by my typical standards (which anyone with kids will tell you means you are busy ALL.  THE.  TIME.).  I do a little of everything and a lot of....well....not a lot.  Last week, my "a lot of not a lot" was cooking.  I just didn't have the time.  I am sitting here, typing this blog post and thinking, "I actually don't remember what the hell I fed my family for dinners last week."  I mean, I remember that, by Friday, I was so physically and mentally exhausted that I caved in and bought us all Sonic hamburgers for dinner.  I know we had sandwiches at some point in the week and I believe I made tomato soup to go with some grilled cheese another day, but honestly, it is all blurred together.

I would like to say that this week will be different and I will not be running so much that I actually, literally, physically won't have time to put a decent dinner on the table, but I think that might be a lie.  Even though this week has a lighter schedule, there are still going to be some days that I am going to struggle to cook.  I have cut myself some serious slack the past few weeks by buying things like bread (because that was one of the first things to fall off of my lengthy to-do list) and diapers (we were cloth diapering exclusively, but have been waging an ongoing battle against diaper rash and my own laziness for quite a while).  I am going to continue to cut myself some slack in those areas this week and have chosen menu items like pork fried rice (a family favorite), pulled BBQ chicken sandwiches (a crock pot recipe that will yield quite a lot of leftovers, hopefully), pasta salad (because I like it and it is easy even if no one else will eat it) and tostadas (cheap and fast to put together towards the end of the week).  There is not a single inventive or interesting thing to be expected on our dinner table this week, but I am pretty sure *most of* the food will get eaten. 

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