Monday, October 29, 2012

Processed Foods and Allergies

This is probably going to be a fairly short post today primarily because I have just a little time left on my nap countdown clock and secondarily because I don't have much to write about.  I am still baking our bread (I have two loaves of the ATK recipe bread in the oven right now, as a matter of fact) and I am still trying to adhere to the idea of no (or low quantities of) processed foods.  Honestly, after more than three weeks of this, I am still having kind of a hard time with completely removing processed foods from my diet.  I keep longing for the days when I could send my kids to school with some kind of granola bar for their after school snack, not to mention the ability to just scoop some animal crackers into a bowl for the twice daily snack for my toddler.  I know, I know.  That is just the lazy in me talking.  Sometimes though, I really wish food was easier for us - so much of it is complicated both by my own extremely high standards (or psychosis, whichever you prefer) and my son's food allergies.  I was actually just looking up allergen information for a  chicken chain fast-food place (you know the one), where my oldest daughter's softball team is having an end of season party this evening.  Pretty much everything on their menu contains some kind of allergen and though they say that they prepare their food to avoid cross-contamination, I have to question whether or not the minimum wage employee behind the counter knows just how dangerous a speck of egg can be to my son.  So, no processed chicken for him or for me tonight.  My husband will just have to take the older two to "dinner" on their own.  That is fine.  Really, it is, but it just brings to mind how often I will have to do this for my baby.  Just this morning, I almost had a panic attack at the gym because another little toddler was finishing her breakfast of a hard-boiled egg as she walked into the nursery.  I literally had to talk myself down and not rush back into the room to remind the ladies that my son cannot have eggs and shriek, "are you SURE she finished and doesn't have any more with her?!"  I wish I could say that the allergies would get easier and I really wish the no-processed foods thing FELT easier right now.  Ah, well, like I said, that is the lazy talking.  This is the hand I (really my son) was dealt and the lack of processed stuff is just the path I have chosen (be it permanent or temporary).  I will deal and for now, I guess I need to go check on our bread.  I can already smell it and it does smell heavenly (and not processed at all). 

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