Tuesday, October 4, 2011

This Baby Doesn't Like Fruit

I know this picture is fuzzy and way over exposed, but it does tell the story of a number of different things happening in our house right now.  First of all, and most pertinent to this blog, is that our son has now tried a number of different fruits (all different brands as well) and seems to have reacted to them in a variety of ways, ranging from apathy to full out rejection.  (Just in case you were wondering, this is the picture of full out rejection.)  Today's experiment was the third day of trying peaches for the first time.  These were organic peaches from Plum Baby Organics, which has the distinction of really cool packaging (comes in squeezable packets with a pretty cool, choking hazard top.....anyway....) containing a pure puree (meaning the fruits/veggies are not baked or roasted.....I'm still looking at you askance, Tyler Florence).  So, the first time the baby tried peaches, they were tolerated, but he was not thrilled with them.  The second time, I got a slightly better reaction to them, in that he ate the peaches and oatmeal mixture without fussing or turning his head away.  This morning was a completely different story.  The picture doesn't really capture how sour of a face he made when I was trying to feed him the exact same mixture this morning.....I just couldn't move fast enough with the camera to really catch the "I-just-sucked-on-a-lemon" pucker he had going on, but you can definitely see the act of spitting the peaches out, right after I completed putting the spoonful in his mouth.  You can also see how much ended up on his shirt and my hand....pretty much all of it.  Our daughters were watching all of this, as they enjoyed their own breakfasts.  Our younger daughter, after several attempts to get him to actually swallow a bite, said, "Um....Mommy?  I am pretty sure he doesn't like peaches."  Yep, I got that.  I am starting to think he just doesn't like fruits.....at this point, he has tried apples, pears and peaches and none of them have gotten a very warm reception.  Plain brown rice and oatmeal cereals, as well as butternut squash have been much better received.  I think we will try the peaches once more today (just to finish up the packet) and then I will move on to peas.  Which I will be making myself.  As a side note, the second story the picture tells is that yes, I did actually switch to cloth diapers.  My goodness.....I am not sure I even recognize myself any more!  I appear to have fully embraced my latent environmental side (not so latent anymore, obviously).  I am all good with that - my family is happy, healthy and we are doing our part to help care for our world.  In any case, I will report back soon with more updates on how the food is going.  I can't wait until we get past all the basics with the baby and can move on to some more adventurous eating (and baby food making for me)! 

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