Thursday, September 1, 2011

I'm Back!

Yes, that's right!  I am back....after an embarrassingly long period of time!  I know I usually start my posts by apologizing for not writing more frequently, but this time I am going to start by updating you all on what has been going on in my life and what I hope the future holds for my writing.  

First of all, we have had a lot of changes over the past year!  Part of the reason that, if you go back to my archives and read my posts from last fall, I did not want to cook or eat was that we were expecting our third baby!  It was a boy, who is now a healthy, happy (and huge) almost-four-month-old!  For the first couple of months, I was fairly nauseous and rarely, if ever, felt like cooking.  After that, I slowly regained my normal sense of taste and smell, as well as my appetite, but I did not really feel like writing about what I was doing in the kitchen.  At this point, I am ready to pick the blogging back up and ready to let all (two) of my readers in on what is cooking....if not on a daily basis, then at least on a weekly basis.  (That is my goal, anyway.  As it stands right now, I am typing as fast as I can to take advantage of my son's very short nap times.)

So, here is where the adventures begin!  I have recently come to a couple of conclusions about what I want to do with my life and with this blog.  First and foremost, I plan to continue writing about the healthy (for the most part) fare that I cook for my family.  I also plan to write about introducing new foods to my infant son, as I am really quite fascinated with how babies develop a taste for new foods.  (Side note: he will be eating organic foods; occasionally cooked by me, but most often of the packaged variety.  I am going to try my hand at veggie purees and, possibly, fruit.)  Part of my reasoning behind writing about what I fix for my family, is my passion for helping all families eat better.  I have always been a proponent of healthy eating, but I especially want to do my part to help combat obesity, particularly childhood obesity.  I plan to not only write about what my family eats, but also about how much the food cost, per serving, and how my readers can replicate my recipes.  

So, that is how it stands right now.  I am going to have to run and try to engineer a longer nap for my son. (I am trying to begin sleep training him right now and I usually have to help him fall back asleep once his first sleep cycle has run its course.)  Look for new posts often - hopefully, they will all make sense, as I continue to be a bit sleep deprived!  Until next time!

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